Trauma shrinks the brain, acute, chronic or complex, doesn't matter. At least I think that is what the article said because, at my age, the last thing I wanted to learn is that I have lived my entire life with a shrunken brain; so I stopped reading.
Depression can be clinical, situational or the wholesale slaughter of a child's life. Traumas can create a neurologically deranged beast that takes over the unconscious brain and lives your life for you.
Years of research have shown that bouts of anxiety and hysteria can last decades unless the the cause identified and either reasoned with, numbed out by chemical warfare or both.
In a small town in the middle of cattle country during the fifties psychologists did not exist and the unconscious was not an entity. One just "got over it" or "faced their fears".
Over the decades the brain has been thoroughly mapped out by neurological scientist and it as been proven that trauma rearranges the electrical functioning of the brain. The signals can be followed like traffic patterns on Google Maps. What they haven't discovered is a simple way to unsnarl it. Up until now we were forced to try side roads and back alleys without an address.
There was an edge to suicide that I never wanted to get too close to but it is impossible not inch up to it now and then.
A friend, a friend enough to tell me that they thought my book, Drawn Out, was a cry for help. I took exception to it but they may have been right. Most of these drawings were made thirty years ago or more and I cannot gauge how seriously disturbed I was then. If crying was needed I am glad the drawings did it for me because they made me smile with each feeling they captured. Drawing made me smile when a child before learning of the risks of living and they still make me smile now just looking at them. They were gifts from the same unconscious that tried to destroy me.